Hereditary/Other Baldness
by Skylar Reynolds
Baldness, or Alopecia, is something that no one wants to go through but it happens. Truth is, it happens to a large percentage of the US population. In fact, 40% of men and women will experience this in their lifetime. This doesn't mean that you are old; some cases it is as your body starts to struggle to start the Anagen phase (hair growth stage). For many, especially men, this starts in the 20s and 30s. Women can see hair loss during this age as well though it is less common. It is typically after menopause that women see a large amount of hair loss.
The most common source of hair loss is hereditary-pattern baldness (Androgenetic Alopecia), typically referred to as Male-pattern baldness but can affect women as well. It is passed down from the parents, not just the mother, and is showing in the ages of 20s and 30s. What is happening is the body is creating an abundance of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and it is causing the follicle to have a shorter lifespan. This DHT is blocking key nutrients from entering the scalp and allowing the follicles to complete and restart the process of hair regrowth.
There are other forms of hair loss that may not be hereditary. Surgeries can play a major role dependent on the type. Weight loss or weight gain can also contribute to this. These types are more commonly referred to as traumas. The reason for it to be referred to trauma is the fact that you, or the surgeon, is doing something traumatic to the body. From a surgery standpoint, the body is focused on healing the area that the surgeon was working on. This can sometimes leave your hair and follicles in the Catagen phase (non growing). The same concept is put into weight loss and weight gain, the body is making adjustments and the hair is remaining in the Catagen phase.
Now, here is the issue with the hair remaining in the Catagen phase. Once the hair leaves the Anagen phase and is not growing, it should enter the Catagen phase and slowly start the Telogen phase (hair loss stage). If the follicle is remaining in the Catagen phase, the follicle can become dormant, leaving the follicle unable to enter the Anagen phase once the Telogen phase is reached and complete. This mean that you are not growing new hair.
While it is normal for your hair to fall out and new hair to grow, you should not be losing more than an average of 100 hairs a day. But if you are, or think you are, you may start to notice certain areas where the hair is not growing back. For men, this usually starts around the temples and works its way up to the top of the head. It is typically in the shape of an “M” as it begins and eventually can result in the top of the scalp not having any hair. For women, this is a little different. There is not a shape or pattern to the loss. The hair starts to thin across the entire scalp leaving it very thin.
The good news is that this can be stopped and, in most cases, even reversed. Our Volumique Solutions trio works to block the DHT that leads to hair loss. The products can also repair the follicles in the scalp and restore your natural hair. By using the product 3 times a week. You will start to see results after 3-4 weeks. After this 3-4 week period, you will see a stop in excess shedding of hair. in 90-120 days, you will start to see your hair growing back.